L Track Aluminum Airline Rail Track Þykkt sætisbraut

Stutt lýsing:

Gerð: GKALT-3

Efni: Ál

Ljúka: Anodized / húðaður

Litur: Silfur/svartur

Breidd (í): 1,77

Lengd (in): 12/24/36/48/60/72/84/96

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Cargo Control Airline L Lag is a heavy-duty cargo control product designed to help secure and organize cargo on trailers and trucks. It is designed to be used with cargo control straps, nets, and other accessories to help secure loads. This type of track is ideal for use in any cargo hauling situation and is designed to be easily installed and removed so that you can quickly and efficiently secure your cargo. Cargo Control Airline L Track is available in a variety of sizes and configurations to meet your specific cargo hauling needs.
L-Track, einnig þekkt sem flugbraut eða flutningabraut, er frábær aðferð til að búa til sterka og örugga festingarpunkta í sendibílnum þínum, pallbílnum eða kerru. Þessi fjölhæfa bindibraut hefur þrengri prófíl en E-Track, en veitir samt sterka og endingargóða festipunkta fyrir hluti eins og mótorhjól, fjórhjól, nytjadráttarvélar og margt fleira.


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