Aluminum Tie Down Airline Rail Cargo Control Airline L Track

Stutt lýsing:

Gerð: GKALT-4

Efni: Ál

Ljúka: Anodized / húðaður

Litur: Silfur/svartur

Breidd (í): 1,65

Lengd (in): 12/24/36/48/60/72/84/96


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Aluminum L-track is a type of hardware designed to be used in a variety of applications, including cargo tie-downs and securement, creating adjustable shelving and seating systems, as well as automotive interior conversions. It is a lightweight, yet strong and durable type of track that is made of extruded aluminum and can be mounted on walls, floors, and other surfaces. Aluminum L-track is often used in automotive applications where it can be used to mount accessories and make adjustments to seating and other interior features. It is also popular in the RV industry, where its strength and versatility make it an ideal choice for securement and tie-downs.

L-Track, einnig þekkt sem flugbraut eða flutningabraut, er frábær aðferð til að búa til sterka og örugga festingarpunkta í sendibílnum þínum, pallbílnum eða kerru. Þessi fjölhæfa bindibraut hefur þrengri prófíl en E-Track, en veitir samt sterka og endingargóða festipunkta fyrir hluti eins og mótorhjól, fjórhjól, nytjadráttarvélar og margt fleira.


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