Жүкті басқару авиакомпаниясының алюминий байлауы L жол рельсі

Қысқаша сипаттама:

Үлгі: GKALT-1


Аяқтау: анодталған/жабылған

Түсі: Күміс/Қара

Ені (дюйм): 1,65

Ұзындығы (дюйм) :12/24/36/48/60/72/84/96


Өнім туралы толығырақ

Өнімнің тегтері

Tie down L track rails are used for a variety of purposes, including for securing cargo in the back of a truck or trailer. Typically, the rail is mounted along the walls of the cargo area and includes many slots that provide secure anchoring points for tie-down straps. Tie down L track rails are available in a variety of materials, including aluminum, stainless steel, and galvanized steel, so you can choose the one that is most suitable for your needs. L-Track, also known as airline track or logistic track is an excellent method for creating strong and secure tie-down anchor points in your van,pickup truck, or trailer. This versatile tie-down track has a narrower profile than E-Track, but still provides strong and durable tie-down points for items such as motorcycles, ATVs, utility tractors, and much more.



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